Exporting Contacts
Paminga's Contact Export provides for some pretty excellent flexibility:
- Export the exact leads/contacts you want by adding conditions via Paminga's Segment Builder
- Choose the exact fields you'd like included in your .csv file
Contact Export Drawer:

Export File Name
Choose the name you'd like for your .csv file.
When you download the file, this is the name it will be saved with.
Choose Conditions to Filter Contacts
Export the exact leads/contacts you want by adding conditions via Paminga's Segment Builder.
The Segment Builder gives you incredible control in filtering your leads and contacts.
Choose the Fields You'd Like Included
Paminga's Field Chooser makes it easy to select the exact fields you'd like included in your .csv file.
Paminga's Field Chooser:

Select Fields From Related Objects
You are not limited to including only Contact fields in your export.
You may easily choose to include fields from several related objects:
- Contact Standard Fields
- Contact Custom Fields
- Account Standard Fields
- Account Custom Fields
- Account "Owner" (the user to which the account is assigned in your connected CRM)
- Latest Visit
- Lead Owner (the user to which the lead/contact is assigned in your connected CRM)
- First Touch
- Last Touch